Book an appointment

Lower East Side and Brooklyn hair salons.
Due to these uncertain times, salon hours may vary. Stylists hours will be updated regularly, so you can schedule with confidence.

Lower East Side

Fringe LES - 248 Broome Street, NY, NY tel: 212-674-8383

Fringe LES - 248 Broome Street, NY, NY
tel: 212-674-8383


Fringe BK - 298 Bond Street, Brooklyn, NY tel: (718) 624-8383

Fringe BK - 298 Bond Street, Brooklyn, NY
tel: (718) 624-8383


When you book your appointment, we will ask for your credit card information in order to put a hold on your appointment. Less than 24 hour notice will result in a charge equal to 50% of the reserved service amount and “No Shows” will be a 100% charge.

Our cancellation policy allows us time to inform our standby guests of any availability, as well as keeping our stylists scheduled filled, thus better serving everyone.

By clicking the BOOK FRINGE LES or BOOK FRINGE BK button above, you are agreeing to Fringe Salon NY’s Terms & Conditions.